The whole gamut of investors in the retail space faces problems arising out of volatility in the stock market. Fears are awakened, and bad investment decisions are made. The unpredictable nature of the market, despite substantial potential returns, bewilders and confuses everybody.
The turbulent waters that legendary investors like Warren Buffett and Ramdeo Agrawal have successfully negotiated do give a lesson or two to ordinary investors desiring emulation without either the patience or insight to handle market fluctuations.
Solution: The following eight essential strategies to follow will help you improve your investment returns and manage the inherent volatility of the stock market far better. You will thereby stay invested, make better judgments, and achieve better-than-average market returns.

1. Live with Market Volatility
Important Understanding: Stock market returns are not presented on a straight line. You must understand that investments will go through periods of gain and loss. A portfolio decline of 50% or more during market crises has been faced by legendary investors, including Ramdeo Agrawal. His portfolio fell 66% during the crisis of 1992-93, 70% during the dot-com bubble bursting in 2000, and 50% in 2008. What is important is to learn from here and accept the volatility instead of panicking during the fall.
Strategy: Move along with the market cycles. The long-term investor is supposed to get ready for the short-term fluctuations and move steadily in investment.
2. Avoid Chasing Multibagger Stocks
This means the search for the so-called multibagger stock, whose return will be astronomically high, often ends in disappointment. Nobody knows from which direction this would come. And even in successful multibaggers, no investor perceived the return to be so astronomical in advance-including Rakesh Jhunjhunwala in the case of Titan. They simply kept track of the progress of the company and changed their position according to ongoing assessment.
Strategy: Invest in fundamentally strong businesses and not merely on any tip or predictions about multi-baggers. Research well and constantly monitor your investment.
3. Never Depend Only on Price Movements
Key Insight: These prices of stocks don’t depict anything about the performance of a company. The classic example would include that of ITC, which was lambasted as a “dead stock” and turned out with substantial returns. It is the concept of the business, not the price, that needs to be understood for correct decision-making.
strategy: Invest based on fundamental analysis rather than on short-term changes in price. Periodically assess the underlying financial health and growth prospects of your investments.
- Invest Regularly and Rotate Capital
Key Insight: The best investors, such as Warren Buffett, have relatively static portfolios and invest new money judiciously. And they rotate capital rather than try to time the market.
Strategy: Investment should be made on a disciplined basis. Invest at regular intervals; rotate your money based on emerging changes in market conditions and opportunities.

- Learn from Mistakes and Adapt
Key Insight: Good investors know when to admit mistakes and alter their approach toward a portfolio accordingly. Ramdeo Agrawal showed just this with his investment in Zomato when he admitted where the mistake lay. Learning from one’s mistakes is the only way one can thrive over long periods in a portfolio.
Strategy: Go through the performance of your investments periodically. Admit mistakes honestly and learn from them. Change the strategy in order to improve future performance.
- Monitor Your Investments
Key Insight: Buying a stock and forgetting it is a big mistake. Reliance Industries did not give any return for almost ten years but suddenly it began to grow. Continuous monitoring is thus vital to make sure that your investments are aligned with your financial goals.
Strategy: Take a step back regularly and review your portfolio against a changing market. Rebalance your portfolio to take advantage of new opportunities or mitigate potential risks.
7. Know What You Are Investing In
Key insight, basically, any investment in volatile or high-risk stocks calls for cognizance of the nature of such stocks. For instance, investing in companies like Zomato or any other startups involves huge risk with potential for dramatic fluctuations. The knowledge of the nature of one’s investment dampens expectations while avoiding panic during downtrends.
Strategy: Invest in assets that you know much about. Be very aware of high-volatility investment risks, and consider your risk tolerance, along with your goals for investment when creating your portfolio.
- Hedge Your Risks
Key Insight: The smart investor covers his or her investment through risk management strategies. It could be a way of balancing your portfolio through diversification of your stocks or using some defensive stocks against the aggressive ones. Example-A balanced stock portfolio comprising both high risk stock and stable ones such as ITC to reduce overall portfolio risk.
Strategy: Follow risk management techniques, including diversification and hedging. Offset your overall portfolio with aggressive and defensive stocks in order to protect against market volatility.
By incorporating all of these eight steps into your investment methodology, you will be better equipped to manage market volatility and enhance your long-term returns. Fundamentally, the source of investment success is in a deep-seated understanding of and embracing of market volatility, resisting the desire for quick profits, maintaining focus on fundamentals, and using responsible risk management strategies. Remember, successful investing is a marathon race, not a sprint. Be informed, be patient, and adjust strategies as conditions warrant to create an effective investment portfolio.